Folgger was borned from a meeting between a stylist and a craftsman.
Technical skills and knowledge of Shoemaking were acquired during seven-year apprenticeship at the famous “Les Compagnons du Devoir et du Tour de France” which is an organization of Craftsmen and Artisans dating back to the Middle Ages, and in making luxury shoes for the very best French shoemakers.
Create your own Handemade pair of Shoes
There are numerous possibilities for customization on tailored and handmade products. The service proposed are personalized according to customers expectation regarding style, materials, colors, fitting and budget.

Our Expertise
For more than 20 years now, we have been producing high end shoes for our clients and for French Shoe retailers and boutiques.
For the past 10 years we have been working in South Asia, continuing to offer our own shoe designs to our customers as well as offering our services as a professional consultant where we share our technical expertise and design knowledge with our clients.
We are passionate about traveling and explore as much as possible, always looking for new ideas and inspiration for our shoe collections and continuing to expand his knowledge of shoe craftsmanship.
Unleash your creativity with Folgger
From elegant to casual and even sportswear, the goal is simply to ensure comfort, quality and personalized products.
The Craftsman is providing finest Handmade shoes to customers who
Love to Feel Unique